Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Today's Lesson - Stop Overthinking and Just Do It (Michelle Phan)

This video that I just watched about Michelle Phan (video below) really hit home for me. My takeaway from this video is that you don't have to have everything in place and all your ducks in a row before you just start. I have been wanting to start a podcast, but have been stressing too much on what direction it should go in, what the name should be, is it going to be an extension of this blog....etc, etc, etc.

 I need to take a page out of Michelle's book. She started doing makeup tutorials on her webcam! Proving that you don't have to have the most up to date equipment or a well thought out idea to just get started. I can also take a page out of Marshawn Lynch's book for his show 'No Script'. This kind of describes me. I like to discuss things as they come to me, and I can be kind of random. Here I go thinking too much again. Lol! Anyways watch the video below and let me know what you think :)

You may also like (click on pictures for product info):

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

So Excited About Black Panther Movie

(Click picture to see info on book)

Today I sold the book Super Boys in my eBay store and also today a friend of mine posted the trailer for the new Black Panther movie. If you haven't seen it check it out below. It looks like it's going to be an awesome movie. I'm really excited about it.

There are many reasons for my excitement. First and foremost it looks like a great flick but I am also excited about the diversities of movies right now with black actors and actresses. I noticed this week as I saw a clip for the movie Girls Trip (that I am definitely going to have to buy), then a clip came on for Marshall and I logged on to Facebook and saw the Black Panthers clip. Have we finally reached an era where Hollywood is not going to start producing not just 'black' movies but good movies that have black casts? I sure hope so.

Here's the awesome trailer that I saw.

I admittedly didn't know much about the character and set off to learn more. Of course one of the first things that came up was Wikapedia lol. Had a lot of good info on there though. I didn't know that the Black Panther was the first major black superhero who had super powers. There was also more info in there about other black comic figures that I had never heard of before. Check out the article, it's interesting stuff.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Start Something that Matters

(Click picture to see details)

This book caught my eye because I have really started thinking in the past few months that I need to find causes that I belive in to donate my time to and not just donate money. I even came across a title that I put on my vision board that says 'The beauty of giving'. I beieve that this book, Start Something That Matters, focuses on just that principle. 

Here is an open letter that the author wrote about the book.

A Letter from Author Blake Mycoskie 

People often ask me what I consider my goal to be at TOMS. The truth is that it’s changed over the years. When we first began, the goal was to create a for-profit company to help the children that I met in a small village in Argentina. And that objective to give new shoes to children in need continues to be a powerful driver for me and everyone else at TOMS.
But recently my personal mission has changed. Today, I would say that my goal is to influence other people to go out into the world and have a positive impact, to inspire others to start something that matters, whether it’s a for-profit business or a nonprofit organization. I feel a deep sense of responsibility to share everything that we’ve learned from TOMS, so that others can learn from both our mistakes and the counterintuitive principles that have guided our success.
I would also like to share the stories of other social entrepreneurs, from all walks of life, who are taking that wonderful and courageous step forward, who are moving from thinking about doing something to actually doing it. Among many others, the leaders profiled in my book include Tony Hsieh (founder of Zappos), Scott Harrison (founder of charity: water), Lauren Bush (founder of FEED Projects), Eric Ryan & Adam Lowry (co-founders of method) and Tim Ferriss (author of The 4-Hour Workweek).
Like me, all of the people featured in the book faced insecurities and fear when first starting out. All of us bootstrapped with limited resources, and made countless mistakes along the way. After reading these stories of success, I hope that you’ll realize that you already have everything you need to get started. You don’t need a lot of money, a complicated business plan, or a great deal of experience to get your idea off the ground. What you absolutely must have, however, is the courage to take that first bold step forward….
For me, the ultimate success of this book will be measured not by how many copies it sells but by the number of people whom it inspires. Are you ready to start something that matters?
Carpe Diem,

This book is definitely on that I would read. This book and more inspirational reads are available in my eBay store.

Friday, September 29, 2017

My Journey to Greatness: Learning to Live in the Moment

My morning started out interesting. I had every intention of following up on learning about the 5 second rule that I came across on yesterday,The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage, since I know that hesitation has had a big impact on why I'm not where I would like to be at the present moment. Instead I found myself clicking on another video featuring Mel Robbins (link at bottom). One of the things talked about in the video is how to live in the now. 

Here's some things that she said that stuck with me:

If you are living in the past, you're going to be depressed because you are rehashing things that are not going to happen again. If you are living in the future you are going to be anxious because you are anticipating what is coing or you are wishing for things that aren't happening yet. 
Being in the present moment is where you will have the greatest control, where you will feel the most at ease and where happiness flourishes. There is a super tight connection between happiness and the ability to live in the present moment 
To ground yourself in the moment, when you find your mind wandering and starting to worry look for something now that you can focus on right now.

That last part was important to me. I now are more aware of when I am starting to worry and have self-doubt and since I recognize what I am doing I am more able to stop these negative thoughts in their tracks. It has done wonders for my outlook and mood. (See full video below)


(These would be perfect to send out to family and friends)

*Post contains affiliate links for awesome stuff :)

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom - Mel Robbin's 10 Rules for Success

So I am sitting here drinking my coffee, eating donuts and watching a video on YouTube entitled 'Mel Robbins's 10 Rules for Success' (video below). I had never heard of her before I started perusing around YouTube for motivational videos (I am a little bit addicted lately). The most intriguing part of this video is the 5 second rule.

I have encountered this so many times in my life. I will have this great idea and think about doing it, then nah I talk myself out of it and go on to something else. Months later, I will come back to the same idea but this time actually act on it and what do you know it usually works out. I end up thinking to myself, "Why the heck didn't I just do this in the first place?!!" I've added her book The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage to my To Be Read List. 

Take a look (listen) and let me know what you get out of the video.

(Video from Evan Carmichael's channel - Great videos)


*Post contains Amazon affiliate links*

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Decorating Ideas Inspired from Chip & Joanna's Fixer Upper

(Click on picture to source) 

I went on Twitter today and saw Fixer Upper was trending and I thought 'Cool! That's one of my favorite decorating shows' so I clicked on it to see why it was trending then Nooooooooooooo!!!!! Are you serious?! Ugh! They can't be calling it quits. (Insert like 1 million sad faces here). 

I mean is it just me or have the decorating shows really gone down lately. I don't watch the channel nearly as much as I used to. They seem to only want to stick to one type of show and one type of formula. Not everyone can be a Chip & Joanna. Anyways, I love her style and love even more that she is self taught. So does this mean that I can one day learn to be Joannaish? Probably not but a girl can dream :)

Below are a few decorating items that I found to give you the look from some of my favorite makeovers. 

Here's one of my favorite rooms:

I like the copper lights in the background but I found one that I liked a little better because it looked lighter (click on picture for source)

Here are a few more farmhouse style lights that I like that are like her style (imo)


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What Successful People Do Before Breakfast- Insight 1 - Wake up Earlier

I've been reading What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast and have really gotten some great information and insight from the book. Over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to explore some of the lessons that I learned from the book and share them here on my blog. 

One of the first things I 
got from the book was that I was not getting up early enough. I pretty much knew this already  because whenever I finally get a chance to sit sit down and start on something in the morning, I feel it was way too late. I would often wonder 'Where has the morning gone?'. Unfortunately I am not a "morning person" (poor excuse I know), but I realized that I needed to become one.

Starting last week, I've began getting up a little earlier. I'm starting with 30 minutes earlier than usual. Even that has made a big difference in my morning. I start off my morning with some positive affirmations and some 17 seconds law of attraction techniques. I want to eventually get to where I am waking up at 6 am. 


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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Starting Over and Discovering Your Passions Later In Life

I am at a point in my life where I feel like I am starting over yet again. My beautician asked me a few weeks ago what my dream job was and it threw me for a minute. I have always wanted a more analytical type job, but then I wondered is that what I want or what I am supposed to want?

As fate would have it they were discussing on the radio today achieving your goals later in life. The topic came about because the radio show had an intern that was 33. One of the main requirements of being an intern was that you were in college. They had people calling into the show to tell what dreams they have started to pursue later in their life.

It was refreshing for me to hear these callers. I have recently started taking my resell business online more seriously and think that this type of 'job' is what suits me best. It is something that I love to do especially reselling books. I have always been a bit of a book nerd lol.

Here are a few books on restarting or discovering your passions:

*Affiliate links above

Monday, August 28, 2017

Do You Like Unique Mystery Novels with Animal Dectives?

I literally started to chuckle when I came across Three Bags Full and read the description. The book is about a flock of sheep who set out to find out who killed their beloved shepherd, George.

The book got pretty good reviews with people liking the perspective on how the sheeps think. A lot of people found the book to be quite humorous as well. I am definitely going to have to put this on my list of books to read.

 I thought that this was definitely a unique angle to have animals as the lead characters in murder mysteries or was it? After looking it up I found that Goodread had a listing of books with this just theme. Here are a few that sounded interesting to me.

Do you have any animal themed books that you like? Chime in on my book reader's Facebook post and let me know. I'm always looking for a good read.

**This post contains some affiliate links**

Monday, August 21, 2017

10 Affordable Ideas for Wedding Favors That Your Guests Will Love

I am selling the above book called in my ebay store. It got me to thinking about my cousin's wedding. It was an awesome wedding that was inexpensively put together. To make it even better Hurricane Matthew came through the day before so we didn't have any power in the venue. They ended up having to a candlelit wedding and it looked planned. It turned out beautifully.

She had a candy bar at her wedding and I almost ran over the children to get my candy lol. Here are 10 ideas from Pinterest for some great and inexpensive wedding favors. 

1) Anything coffee related I am down for so I am bookmarking this one to use later (if my Prince Charming ever get here that is)

2) I am all about the reception since I love to dance. Why not send the guest home with some of your favorite song on your playlist from the night?

3) This is a cute idea and who doesn't love popcorn?

4) Share a coke with the ones you love right? They can keep the whole drink forever as a momento or even if they decide to drink it, they will still have the bottle.

5) I love candles to this idea is great! 

Sidenote: I love this wedding dress. A co-worker recently got her dress off of Amazon. What does your dream dress look like?

6) This is cute and simple. Roll up some mints in burlap (You can find burlap ribbon in dollar stores) add a pretty tag and flower and you're done!

7) Mmm hot chocolate. This would especially be great for a winter wedding.

8) I love, love Starburst jelly beans. The only problem with this wedding favor is how many of them would actually make it into the bottle? :)

9) These succulents are too cute!

10) Love this idea!

I'm becoming a little obsessed with bicycles lately so I am loving these favors:


(3,4&5 came from himisspuff.com 100 cute wedding ideas)
***Post contains some affiliate links from Amazon***

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Just for fun: Were you Team Kelly or Team Brenda? 90210

I saw this book with Jennie Garth on the cover and had to pick it up as I used to love to watch 90210 back in the day. If you watched, were you Team Kelly or Team Brenda? Take the survey below.  I was definitely Team Kelly and who could forget the pool scene. It was considered pretty hot back in the day. Of course it pales in comparison to what they show on television these days


Friday, July 7, 2017

Nickel and Dimed: Are Americans Able To Get By on Today's Wages?

I picked up this book for my eBay bookstore because it describes kind of how I feel about the job that I have. I moved back to my small home town a couple of years ago after layoffs in the city where I am living and the jobs are pretty scarce. There are mostly retail jobs which I have found that the wages have not gone up much from the last time that I worked retail which was a long time ago.

I saw this presentation on the book and it intrigued me even more. I can't wait to read it to see how much of the book (written a while ago) is still parallel to what is going on today. I suspect that it is pretty telling. 

It is a shame how you can work for a company that makes millions of dollars a year but insist on not paying their employees nearly what they are worth. As a result, the good ones get burned out and move on. 

I became interested in just where we were with average wages these days and if Americans were still being 'nickel and dimed' or if that was how I am feeling. With the average retail wage being just $10 an hour and the average apartment in most places being around $850 I don't think things have gotten much better for most people in this country. What do you think?

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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Is Wheat Really Bad For You?

This book, Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health caught my eye because of the title. I thought to myself is wheat really bad for you? I don't eat whole wheat slices of bread (I prefer honey wheat) but I will get wheat when I'm eating a sub. This book kind of gave me pause. Definitely interesting topic. Here is a clip of the author talking about his book. 

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Some Funny Animal Memes

I would love this for my phone :)

Who doesn't love animal memes? I oftentimes will see a picture and try to imagine what the animals are saying. I know I'm not the only one right? :) If you like animal memes check out Animals Talking in All Caps: It's Just What It Sounds Like. I picked this book up to list in my eBay store because I thought it was hilarious.

Below are a few more funny memes from Pinterest.

                                                             (This one is my favorite lol)