Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom - Mel Robbin's 10 Rules for Success

So I am sitting here drinking my coffee, eating donuts and watching a video on YouTube entitled 'Mel Robbins's 10 Rules for Success' (video below). I had never heard of her before I started perusing around YouTube for motivational videos (I am a little bit addicted lately). The most intriguing part of this video is the 5 second rule.

I have encountered this so many times in my life. I will have this great idea and think about doing it, then nah I talk myself out of it and go on to something else. Months later, I will come back to the same idea but this time actually act on it and what do you know it usually works out. I end up thinking to myself, "Why the heck didn't I just do this in the first place?!!" I've added her book The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage to my To Be Read List. 

Take a look (listen) and let me know what you get out of the video.

(Video from Evan Carmichael's channel - Great videos)


*Post contains Amazon affiliate links*

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