Saturday, July 28, 2018

This CEO Gets That Workers Need to Be Paid More Why Don't Others?

A friend and I were discussing wages the other day and one of my pet peeves is companies in America that make billions of dollars and their employees need public assistance (here's looking at you Amazon). How can this happen? I think it's because the heads of companies really don't know (or care to know) how much their employees are making and what it costs to actually live comfortably today.

One need only to look at job postings to see that companies are clueless about the actual cost of living. There are so many jobs that are starting out at $12 or $13 an hour that it is laughable. Have you seen the cost of apartments these days? Don't get me started about car insurance.

I just watched a video of Aetna's CEO Mark Bertolini where he talks about the fact that he had no idea that some of his employees were on public assistance, but when he found out he raised their wages and the company didn't lose money! Diane asked the question that I have asked so many times which is why don't more companies do this then. I mean, you need only look at companies like Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A, Publix etc to see that you can have higher prices, pay your workers more, have some great incentives and still make money. Other companies need to take notice because we can't go on like this much longer in this country.

See the clip below

Interesting reads:

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