Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tip Tuesday: How to Believe Even Before You Have Proof That It Will Happen

As you know, I am currently reading Think and Grow Rich*. It is an amazing book and practicing the principles in the book has really started to change my thinking. One of the chapters in the book talks about imagination and how we can create anything that we can imagine. It gives instructions on writing a statement to help us to imagine our goals. The book says: "the moment you put in writing the statement of your desire and a plan for its realization, you have taken the first of a series of steps that will enable you to convert the thoughts into its physical counterpart."

Here is the statement that you should write out: "By the first day of (date), I will have in my possession X amount of money, which will come to me in various amounts from time to time during the interim. In return for this money, I will give the most efficient service of which I am capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity and the best possible quality of service as a (describe the service or merchandise you intend to sell). I believe I will have this money in my possession. My faith is so strong I can now see this money before my eyes. I can touch it with my hands. It is now awaiting transfer to me in proportion that I deliver the service I intend to render in return for it. I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this money, and I wil follow that plan when it is received"

This really works in helping you to feel the power of your beliefs and that it will come to pass. At first, when you repeat the statements you are going to feel a little weird because your mind is going to try to talk you out of it as it is not true yet. But the more you do it, the more you believe it. There will be a feeling that comes over you that matches the power of your words. Try it for a week and see :) 


Thursday, February 1, 2018

#ThursdayThoughts The Law of Attraction Works

I can say from past experiences that the Law of Attraction really does work. Whenever I practice the principles things seem to "fall into place". However, my problem is that once this happens I relax and don't continue to do the daily affirmations as I should so then things "fall out of place" lol. My plan is to make sure that I continue to do affirmations to experiece law of attraction daily. I have a new habit of reading before I go to bed and this has definitely helped to trigger me to repeat my affirmations as the types of books I read before bed are self-improvement books. I do this because I know that if I pick up a good fiction book, I may be up until 2 in the morning reading.

The book that I am reading now, Think And Grow Rich*, talks about the power of the mind to infuence your life's outcomes. Back then, the process was called auto-suggestion. The book states "It is a well-known fact that one comes, finally, to believe whatever one repeats to oneself, whether the statement be true or false.". This is so true. Think about the times in your life when you have repeated something over and over and it comes to pass. Many times we think that these things (especially if it is something bad) were just going to happen anyway and we "just knew it" or had a premonition, when in reality we probably thought these events into being.

The book talks about concentrating on your thoughts for 30 minutes daily to concentrate on the person that you intend to become. And also to devote 10 minutes daily to demanding of yourself the development of self-confidence. It is part of the self-confidence formula. However, if you don't have 30 minutes there is a 17 second law of attaction routine.that you can do. See the below video

The video talks about vibrations. Think and Grow Rich* talks about this and calls it the ether. The book states "THOUGHTS WHICH ARE MIXED WITH ANY OF THE FEELINGS OR EMOTIONS CONSTITUTE A "MAGNETIC" FORCE WHICH ATTRACTS, FROM THE VIBRATIONS OF THE ETHER, OTHER SIMILAR OR RELATED THOUGHTS." Then goes to say the thought magnetized with emotion may be compared to a seed that, when planted in fertile soil, germinates, grows and multiplies itself over and over again, until that one small seed becomes countless millions of seeds of the same brand!

So try the 17 second law of attraction routine and see what happens. I think you'll be amazed by the results! :)


*Disclaimer: The Amazon links are affiliate links so I may get a small commission if anything is purchased. However, I only recommend things that I truly think would be helpful to you.