Thursday, February 29, 2024

If you could have a 'do over' for your life would you take it? Midnight Library book review

 Henry David Thoreau once said 'Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you have imagined.' But what if you didn't? What if you let fear and intrepidation keep you from making certain decision and was offered a way to have a 'do over'. Would you take it?

The Midnight Library explores this possibility. In this library, Nora Seed (the main characater) gets to choose which events in her life shewould like to change. To do so, she chooses a book from the library and discovers what impact her new 'choice' has on her life and how it changes, but the result is not always what she imaged it would be.

Isn't that true in life. Have ever had someone or something you cut from your life and then you get them/it back and remember 'oh yeah that's why I don't do that or talk that person anymore' or 'that's why I stopped doing that'. Hindsight, as they say, is 20/20.

I enjoyed the book and found that it makes one examine their own life and also reminds you that you have the power today to change the trajectory of your life. My takeaway from the book: Use your past experiences as a guide as to the choices that you make next, but don't spend too much time thinking and dwelling on the decisions that you didn't make.

This book would be a great book club choice. Here are some possible questions for a book club discusion.

1) Who would you like to guide you in the midnight library? 

2) What past experiences would you have made a different choice?

3) Does this book relate to your own life? If so, how?

4) This book had lots of David Thoreau quotes, which is your favorite. This is mine: (It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. Below is a bookmark of this quote)

view HERE

5) What were the main themes or messages in the book?