Thursday, April 5, 2018

Is Warren Buffet Right About More Money and Happiness?

So I'm sure you've heard by now that a couple of months ago Warren Buffett said that money wasn't the key to happiness and that he enjoyed the days when he had a fraction of his net worth. My first thought was, "Okay then give me one of them billions and see how happy I am" Lol. He is currently worth 91.1 Billion dollars. BILLION dollars. 

He then went on to give an example that if you have $100,000 you're not going to be that much happier if you get $1,000,000. (source) Okay, if that's what you say. As it turns out though there may be something to what he is saying. I read  recently that there is a level (mid $100,000 for a single person) where making more than that is not going to make you that much happier. They said that it was that you are going to look around and see people making twice what you make who have more. On the other hand, in a recent published study of 4,000 millionaires it was found that more money did lead to more happiness (source). THIS, I can definitely believe.😄

All in all, I think that it depends on how happy you are before you get the money. If you are a miserable person who is always miserable, then more money is probably not going to make you happier. However, if you are someone who is hustling to make ends meet, works hard but still tries to have a little fun along the way, then you will appreciate the money more and it will probably make you more happy. Mainly because I think these people would probably not define themselves by their money and have a greater purpose in life.

This whole discussion for me came about when I sourced Buffett: The Making of An American Capitalist* for my eBay store. (You can read the reviews on Amazon HERE*)

So would more money make you happier? If so, how much more?


*Links are affiliate links so I will receive a small commission of any purchases.